The facial fillers used at House of Beauty are made from hyaluronic acid. The use of fillers can eliminate wrinkles, plump, and hydrate lips, replace soft-tissue volume loss, raise scar depressions, and volumize creases and folds of the face. As we age, our skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles and fine lines, especially due to sun damage and muscle movement. Facial fillers provide a solution to such damage through facial injections.
Starting at $1700
Temple Filler
30 Minutes
Starting at $850
used is 1-4 syringes. Typically, we start with Sculptra when addressing temple hollowing.
30 Minutes
Starting at $850
45 Minutes
Starting at $500
30 Minutes
Starting at $850
30 Minutes
Starting at $850
Nasolabial Folds
(Laugh Lines)
30 Minutes
Starting at $700
cheek (midface) filler is needed to help lift and take the weight off of the nasolabial folds – see Cheek Filler option.
30 Minutes
Starting at $850
Nose Job
30 Minutes
Starting at $1500
Hand Filler
30 Minutes
Starting at $1700
tops of the hands for a youthful and softened look. Average amount used is 1-3 syringes
30 Minutes
Starting at $250
Filler Follow Up
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Longevity differs from person to person and from treatment to treatment. Because the product is being injected into the body, some people may metabolize the product faster than others. See below for average longevity based on treatment:
- Cheek Filler: 9-18 months
- Under Eye Filler: 6-12 months
- Lip Filler: 6-12 months
- Hand Filler: 9-18 months
- Lower Face Filler: 8-12 months
- Neckline/Tech-Neck Filler: 6-8 months
- Jawline Filler: 8-12 months
- Chin Augmentation: 8-12 months
- Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: 6-12 months
- Nasolabial Fold (Smile/Laugh Lines) Filler: 6-12 months
- Earlobe Filler: 9-18 months
- Temple Filler: 6-12 months
- Sculptra: 2-3 years
Because post-procedural swelling is to be expected, and can vary depending on which area is being injected, taking these steps prior to your procedure will aid in bringing down the swelling and minimizing possible bruising:
- Minimize alcohol consumption for a minimum of 24 hours prior to injectable treatment. Alcohol can thin the blood making it easier for bruising to occur. It is best to avoid alcohol for a minimum of 3 days prior to injectable treatment.
- Avoid certain supplements and medications before the procedure. It is best to avoid any blood thinning agents for at least 1 week prior to injectable treatment to minimize the occurrence of bruising.
- Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Aleve, Celebrex, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.
- If you are taking prescription blood thinners such as Coumadin or Plavix, you should check with the prescribing doctor to see if you are able to stop these medicines for 7-10 days before your appointment and at least 2 days after the procedure has been done.
- Start taking oral arnica montana prior to the procedure. Arnica montana is a natural supplement which helps to reduce swelling and bruising. Starting the supplement the day prior to the procedure and continuing after the procedure is recommended.
- Avoid dental procedures (including cleaning) 2 weeks before filler and 2 weeks after filler.
Come to your appointment with a clean face. **This means NO MAKEUP or MOISTURIZER**